Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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The Konfidence team was beaming with pride in June, as the new ‘Mark II’ version of our Original Konfidence Swim Jacket, which for 2024 uniquely features an optional removable support strap, was named the Platinum winner for ‘Best Versatile Swim Must Have Item’ in the 2024 Mama and Babytots Awards.

 And, the 2024 Mama and Babytots Awards didn’t stop there, our Splashy™ range also secured four top wins:

Platinum Win - Splashy™ Warma Swimsuit Made With e-Flex™ -

 ‘Best Top-Rated Overall Swimsuit’

Gold Win - Splashy™ Roll & Go Changing Mat –

‘Best on the Go Changing Mat’

Gold Win - Splashy™ Swimsuit Made With e-Flex™ –

‘Best Swimsuit’

The final award went to our Splashy™ Nappy Made With e-Flex™, which scooped the Eco Winner prize for the

‘Most Eco Sustainable Swim Nappy’.

 With five top awards in the bag, we were then overjoyed to hear the news that the Splashy™ eco swimwear range had gone on to receive seven more awards at the 2024 Bambini Baby and Kids Awards; with our eco swim nappies honoured in six different award catergories and our Splashy™ Swimsuit Made With e-Flex™ earning the title of ‘Best Swimming Product for a Kid’.  Here are the details:

 Gold Win - Splashy™ Swimsuit Made With e-Flex™ -

‘Best Swimming Product for a Kid’

Gold Win - Splashy™ AquaNappy™ - ‘Best Reusable Swim Nappies’

Silver Win - Splashy™ Nappy Made With e-Flex™ -

‘Best Reusable Baby/Toddler Product’

Silver Win - Splashy™ AquaNappy™ -

‘Best Swimming Product for Babies’

Silver Win - Splashy™ Nappy Made With e-Flex™ –

‘Best Holiday Product for Babies’

Bronze Win - Konfidence: Splashy™ Nappy Made With e-Flex™ – ‘Best Nappy/Nappy Product’

Bronze Win - Konfidence: Splashy™ Nappy – ‘Best Swimming Product for Babies’

With a dozen new awards secured in June, we rounded the month off with further good news, thanks to the mums at BizzieBaby giving our Original Konfidence™ Swim Jacket 5* reviews.

For further information on Konfidence, a Swimovations™ brand and Europe’s leading designer of baby and children’s safety swimwear and buoyancy aids, please visit www.konfidence.co.uk or telephone +44 (0)1566 777887 or email sales@konfidence.com

Or visit Kind und Jugend and meet the Konfidence team in person in Hall 11.2 | E039.


Zum Pressefach von Swimovations Limited

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