Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Konfidence is looking forward to returning to Kind und Jugend in September, and will be showcasing its multi-award-winning range of premium protective swimwear for babies and children, including the flagship Original Konfidence™ Swim Jacket which now uniquely comes with a removable strap, and its Splashy™ eco-range.

 The British company, which recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, is globally recognised for designing and manufacturing some of the very best baby’s and children’s buoyancy and swimwear on the market, and the show in Cologne on September 3-5 provides new opportunities to further extend the brand’s reach globally and exclusively reveal the new products that are planned for launch in 2025.

 Max Patey, Sales Manager at Konfidence, said: “Kind und Jugend is always a fantastic show for us, and this year we look forward to catching up with our network of international distributors, and meeting with new buyers and retailers to show our latest Splashy™ eco-range of swimwear which are uniquely made from our own e-FLEX™ material, and all the new designs we have planned for our learn to swim buoyancy products – plus lots more.”

Working with partners across more than 30 countries, and high street retailers, swim schools and holiday companies, Konfidence has earned great acclaim from parents across the world for its innovative approach to designing premium baby swimming and learn-to-swim buoyancy products over the last 25 years. This year alone the company, who keeps innovating, has been awarded more than a dozen parent awards for the Original Konfidence™ Swim Jacket and its Splashy™ range of eco-swim nappies and swimsuits - including an Organic Baby Platinum Award for ‘Best Sustainable Initiative (For use of e-FLEX™)’.

For further information on Konfidence, a Swimovations™ brand and Europe’s leading designer of baby and children’s safety swimwear and buoyancy aids, please visit www.konfidence.co.uk or telephone +44 (0)1566 777887 or email sales@konfidence.com

Or visit Kind und Jugend and meet the Konfidence team in person in Hall 11.2 | E039.


Zum Pressefach von Swimovations Limited

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