Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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In 2023, Konfidence celebrated the 25th anniversary of its multi-award-winning Original Konfidence Swim Jacket; a British-designed premium swim buoyancy aid that has helped over a million children all over the world learn how to swim with confidence and have fun in the water. In the first 25 years, the Swim Jacket’s original trademarked core design has not changed, and nor will it; but in this milestone anniversary year it did inspire the family team at Konfidence to consider how they could make their flagship product even better, for the next generation of swimmers – and that’s what they did.

At the start of 2024, Konfidence launched a new ‘Mark II’ Original Konfidence Swim Jacket, which uniquely features an optional removable support strap, and it will be shown for the first time at Kind und Jugend in September alongside the new designs planned for 2025.

‘Optional and Removable’ are the key words, because the design uniquely gives wearers a choice - and it has already won several awards for its innovative and premium design.

 The ‘Mark II’ Swim Jacket can continue to be used as intended without the support strap if desired, or if the user wishes additional support in the water or when taking part in a water-based recreational / sporting activity for example, there is now the option of adding a strap.

Keeping with tradition, the 2024 Konfidence Swim Jackets feature the original signature designs parents love; including the bright yellow back which provides hi-visibility for parents at the pool or on the beach, and the simple but very effective eight-removable float system. The copyright design of the jacket provides tailored buoyancy to help children aged from 18 months-7 years learn to swim safely and with confidence in and outside of swimming lessons, and on holiday.

About the Konfidence Swim Jacket

Konfidence chose a ‘body warmer’ style design for the Jacket as it wraps around the child’s torso, keeping the child’s arms free when learning to swim, and the removable float system enables buoyancy to be reduced gradually so that the wearer relies less and less on the Jacket’s buoyancy, until eventually, is confident in the water and requires no buoyancy. 

On holiday too, it also allows kids to have fun in the water when playing with older siblings or friends, as the Konfidence Swim Jacket’s extra buoyancy helps to safeguard them if they get tired – and we know this gives parents confidence too. The extra coverage provided by its bodywarmer cut also ensures 100% UV protection on all covered areas, with the high neck maximising thermal and sun protection, and the wide shoulders ensuring a more secure fit.

The Konfidence Swim Jacket is a premium product and every detail has been carefully considered for user comfort and safety; from the soft Lycra float chamber lining and hemmed edges which are far more comfortable against youngsters’ delicate, bare skin than polyester or nylon, to the elasticity of the Lycra which aids the easy removal of the floats and helps retain its shape.  Further details include the strong secure chunky YKK zip for peace of mind, the internal zip guard that prevents rubbing against the skin, and the external Velcro zip guard designed to discourage little fingers. The floats themselves are also made from flexible, layered foam which provides a much more comfortable fit.

 Konfidence aims to be the best and only choice for parents. As a safety product, users can also be assured that the Konfidence Swim Jacket has been independently UKCA and CE tested and approved to EN13138-1-14.

The fun bit, the Swim Jacket comes in a choice of cute and fashionable designs, and colour -coordinates with the rest of our children’s swimwear ranges. 

We are actively looking for agents across the globe so do come and find us in Hall 11.2 | E039.
For further information on Konfidence, a Swimovations™ brand and Europe’s leading designer of baby and children’s safety swimwear and buoyancy aids, please visit www.konfidence.co.uk  or email sales@konfidence.com

Zum Pressefach von Swimovations Limited

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