Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Pressefach von Swimovations Limited

11.2 E39
Swimovations Limited
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Max Patey
Kay Close 4-5
As a family business over the past 25 years we’ve been honoured to receive a great many top awards from parenting magazines, websites and industry bodies for our range of baby and children’s swimwear, buoyancy and beachwear. We are especially delighted that our founding product, our Original Konfidence Swim Jacket which we launched in 1998, also continues to be recognised as the premium swimming aid for kids. The latest accolade came this week (May 2021) from BizzieBaby, with all of the independent parent testers involved scoring the Original Konfidence Swim Jacket the highest mark of 5/5, based on its design, features, quality and value for money – resulting in a coveted BizzieBaby Gold Award. One of the BizzieBaby parent reviewers commented: “I would buy this as this is the best swimming aid we have used; it gave us the most confidence of any devices previously used so it would be worth the money. I would definitely recommend this to a friend. Andrew Regan, the founder of Konfidence and the designer of the Original Konfidence Swim Jacket, says: “It’s fantastic that after more than 20 years, our Original Konfidence Jacket continues to be valued by parents; and to receive a Gold award from BizzieBaby after it has been rigorously tested by real parents, will give our new generation of customers even further confidence in our swimming aids.”
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