Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Presseinformationen der Aussteller

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Elevating parenthood with innovative products

Neno is a Polish brand dedicated to enhancing the lives of young parents and their babies through innovative and practical products. Inspired by children and created for parents, Neno offers a wide range of items designed to make daily parenting tasks easier and more enjoyable.

Product Range
1. Breast Pumps: Neno's electronic breast pumps are famous for their comfort, safety, and efficiency. Designed with input from medical professionals, these pumps help regulate lactation and make it easier for mothers to continue breastfeeding even when returning to work.
2. Aspirators and Nebulizers: Essential tools for managing colds and respiratory issues in infants, these devices are gentle, effective, and easy to use.
3. Baby Monitors and Bouncers: Ensuring the safety and comfort of babies, these products provide parents with peace of mind and help to calm down and entertain little ones.
4. Feeding Accessories: From baby bottles to thermal cups, Neno provides a variety of feeding solutions that are both practical and stylish.

Neno's mission is to support parents during the most beautiful but also challenging times of early parenthood. With a focus on quality, safety, and elegance, Neno aims to turn everyday parenting tasks into extraordinary experiences, making life easier and more enjoyable for both parents and children.

For more information, visit Neno's official website: https://neno.baby/ or send an email: export@neno.pl

Zum Pressefach von KGK TREND sp. z o.o.

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