Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Pressefach von LatchLight

11.2 G41
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Edwin Carty
PO Box 5005-175
92067-9513 Rancho Santa Fe
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
At LightAhead, we believe that our little ones are the true lights of our lives. However, as parents—especially new parents—there are moments when we need help seeing the light, particularly during the feeding and sleeping stages of infancy and toddlerhood. That’s why we created LightAhead, a company built on perseverance through parenthood with strong clinical backing. Our "I wish I had that" products are born from those challenging yet beautiful moments every parent experiences. We are Julie and Edwin Carty, the co-founders of LatchLight®. With extensive experience in hospital medical sales focused on improving patient outcomes, we understand healthcare needs and innovative solutions. As parents, we also know firsthand the challenges of nighttime feedings, which is why we developed LatchLight®—to make these moments easier and more comfortable. Our product is designed to meet the needs of all parents, whether you’re a first-time mom or a working parent, by offering a versatile and intuitive solution. Our mission is to reduce the stress of nighttime feedings so that moms and parents can focus on what truly matters—bonding with their baby. — Julie and Edwin Carty
Die Online-Pressefächer sind ein gemeinsamer Service der Koelnmesse GmbH und der NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH. Verantwortlich für den Inhalt der Pressemitteilungen sind die jeweils herausgebenden Unternehmen. Diese stellen Koelnmesse GmbH von jeglichen Ansprüchen Dritter frei, welche im Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch der Online-Pressefächer entstehen. Diese Freistellung gilt insbesondere auch für Verstöße gegen das Urheber- und Markenrecht. Sie besteht auch dann fort, wenn die betroffene Pressemitteilung bereits aus den Online-Pressefächern herausgenommen wurde.