Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Bc Babycare's Wireless Bottle Warmer: Redefining Portable Feeding

Bc Babycare is excited to announce participation in Kind + Jugend 2024, where the latest innovation —the Anti-Colic Nursing Bottle—will be unveiled. Renowned for high-quality, safe, and thoughtfully designed products, Bc Babycare continues to be a trusted name for parents worldwide.

Exhibition Details
Date: September 3-5, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Booth Number: [Hall 11.2 C040]

About Bc Babycare
Bc Babycare is a leading parenting brand established by a designer committed to solving industry challenges and enhancing solutions for modern families. Our extensive product range is crafted to support the diverse needs of parents and children, emphasizing both quality and practical innovation. Operating in over 30 countries and serving more than 50 million users globally, Bc Babycare continues to set the standard in baby care excellence.

Featured Product: Bc Babycare Wireless Portable Bottle Warmer
Five-mode temperature control & Fast Charging. Outdoor portable milk bar.

1. Make milk anytime, anywhere: heat to the right temperature unplugged, even can brew milk on your bed!
2. Thermal insulation material: vacuum without tail insulation technology, stainless steel liner and shell with long-lasting insulation.
3. Easy to clean: dustproof and waterproof with 2-3 minutes high-pressure water jet.
4. Fast charging: charge for 10 minutes to achieve 60 minutes of warmth; supports charging while using.

Join Us at Kind + Jugend
Visit our booth in Hall 11.2 C040 to explore our latest innovations. Whether you're looking for cutting-edge feeding solutions or advanced diaper technology, our experts are ready to guide you. Don't miss out on exclusive demos and special offers available only during the event!
For more information or to explore potential partnerships, please contact us at partner@bcbabycare.com. Stay connected and follow us on Instagram at @bcbabycare_official to keep up with our latest updates. We look forward to connecting with you directly!

Zum Pressefach von Hangzhou Babycare Baby Products Co.,Ltd

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