Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Pressefach von Love To Dream Limited (UK)

10.1 F40
Love To Dream Limited (UK)
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
cecile bellec
Great Queen Street 16
Love To Dream is a leading innovator in the world of infant sleep solutions, dedicated to helping parents create safe, comfortable, and nurturing sleep environments for their babies. Founded with the mission of making sleep easier and more restful for families, Love To Dream has become a trusted name for millions of parents across the globe. Our flagship product, the SWADDLE UP™, revolutionized the baby sleep industry with its unique Arms-Up™ design, allowing infants to sleep in a natural position with access to their hands. This innovation not only enhances comfort but also promotes self-soothing, leading to longer and more restful sleep for babies and peace of mind for parents. The SWADDLE UP™ is available in over 50 countries and has received numerous awards for its groundbreaking design and effectiveness. At Love To Dream, safety and quality are paramount. All our products are made from premium materials and are rigorously tested to meet the highest safety standards. We offer a diverse range of sleepwear that adapts to different seasons, climates, and growth stages, ensuring that every baby sleeps soundly, no matter the conditions. Beyond product innovation, Love To Dream is committed to empowering parents with knowledge and support. We believe that better sleep leads to bigger dreams and a brighter world. Our team of sleep experts regularly shares insights and tips to help families establish healthy sleep routines. As we continue to expand our product line and global reach, Love To Dream remains steadfast in its commitment to quality, innovation, and the well-being of families everywhere. We strive to be more than just a brand; we aim to be a partner in parenting, supporting families on their journey to achieving restful nights and joyful days.
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