Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Baobaby - shoes that kids love to wear, recommended by experts

Let’s admit it: there’s nothing sweeter than small baby’s feet. Their softness, shape and tenderness rarely leave anyone indifferent.

However there is something about them, far more important then cuteness - one day they’ll take kids to great adventures and help them explore the world around them. They also play very important role in forming right body posture and motor skills. That’s why it’s important they are developed in natural and healthy way.

As Ph. D. Josip Vlaic, specialist in orthopedics says: “Over time, it has been shown that optimal foot development occurs in a barefoot environment. That means that, for optimal development of children's feet, it would be good for children to walk barefoot from an early age. However, this kind of scenario is difficult for all of us to imagine because there are various dangers when walking barefoot.”

Luckily our Baobaby shoes make parents’ lives easier as they simultaneously support proper development of the feet and protect them from adverse external influences.

Physiatric doctor Branimira Pasalic MD points out three most important characteristics shoes should have. Shoes should:

1. be flexible and have a thin and soft sole for the foot to be able to feel the surface as much as possible,

2. have a non-slip sole and be wide enough to provide space and freedom for child’s toes ,

3. be made of natural, breathable material which is safe for delicate child's skin.

She concludes that: “It is Baobaby shoes that meet all most important criteria when choosing your child's first shoes.”

Baobaby shoes are designed and handcrafted in Croatia. They are made of natural, vegetable-tanned leather, without chrome, and are dyed with harmless colors that are safe for children's skin.

Due to their softness and flexibility, they ideally support the growth and development of children's feet. They allow children the freedom of movement as if they were barefoot and are ideal for crawling and first baby steps.

Ph. D. Josip Vlaic, specialist in orthopedics points out that “Baobaby shoes  stand out the most among solutions for children who are starting to walk. This model of shoes, in addition to looking visually beautiful and appealing to children, is made by hand and without glue, so the possibility of allergies to glue is avoided. The shoes are easy to put on and are soft, so they fit perfectly to the foot. The edge of the shoe that comes next to the ankle is lined with velvet fabric, so there is no blistering at all. Finally, when parents bring the child for a consultation with a pediatric orthopedist after the first steps have been taken, experiences with the Baobaby shoe model are excellent.”

Zum Pressefach von Mikroedra d.o.o.

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