Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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From crawling to safe first steps and big childhood adventures - Baobaby soft sole shoes support child’s natural feet development

The choice of first kid’s shoes isn’t just a matter of style, it’s also about comfort, kid’s safety as well as healthy feet and motorical development.

Baobaby soft sole shoes meet all criteria and are absolutely adored by kids and parents in Croatia where they are handcrafted but also around other EU countries.

Barefoot characteristics are incorporated into Baobaby’s shoe form:

Soft and comfortable: natural leather makes shoes super comfortable, they adjust to child’s feet and allow freedom of movement. Baobaby shoes are so light that they make kids feel like barefoot while wearing them. That’s why kids don’t take them off, and we all know how much they like to do that.

Flexible: Baobaby shoes follow all feet movements from crawling to first steps into jumping, running and climbing. This makes feet stronger and more mobile leading to healthy feet development and less injuries.

Thin, anti-slip sole
: Enables child to feel difference in surface beneath their feet and to receive sensory information from it. This has major impact on kids ability to balance, walk and to keep their body posture in right position. There is no heel drop to throw children off balance and no arch support to take function away  from the children’s arch.

Wide toe box: Enables little fingers to move freely and makes feet more stable.

Elastic band around the ankle: Makes shoes easy to put on and stay snugly on feet. This helps kid in their independence and also eases parents everyday life.

Breathable natural leather: Baobaby shoes are made of natural, vegetable-tanned leather without chrome. This leather has amazing breathable and thermo regulatory features so feet stay comfortable despite outside temperature.

Safe for kids skin: Baobaby leather is certified with IVN certificate which proves leather is natural, toxic-free and produced in environmentally friendly way. This makes shoes safe for child’s gentle skin.

And last but not least:

Cute design: Baobaby designs are cute and appealing to both children and parents. They bring special touch to any outfit making it more joyful. Cute Baobaby characters bring smile to kid’s faces and make Baobaby shoes their NO.1 choice.

Zum Pressefach von Mikroedra d.o.o.

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