Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Introducing the COCOREVE Baby Body Pillow: Revolutionizing Infant Sleep Comfort

MOTHER-K unveils its latest innovation designed to revolutionize infant sleep comfort with the launch of the COCOREVE Baby Body Pillow.

Parenting involves numerous challenges, especially ensuring a baby's comfort during sleep. Traditional cotton body pillows often trap heat, causing discomfort and potential heat rash. In response, COCOREVE introduces a breakthrough solution with its Baby Body Pillow, crafted from breathable POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) for optimal air circulation. This unique material helps prevent heat rash and ensures your baby stays cool and comfortable throughout the night.

"Our COCOREVE Baby Body Pillow is not just a pillow; it's a companion dedicated to improving your baby's sleep quality and promoting healthy growth," said Min Kim, CEO of MOTHER-K. "We understand the importance of creating a soothing environment for babies, and our pillow is designed to provide comfort and support from newborns through various developmental stages."

The pillow's innovative design promotes side sleeping, gently enveloping your baby's belly and chest to mimic a womb-like environment. This snug fit reduces the startle reflex, promoting longer and more peaceful sleep sessions. Additionally, the easy-to-clean feature ensures hassle-free maintenance, enhancing overall hygiene for your baby.

As your baby grows, the COCOREVE Baby Body Pillow evolves with them, transitioning seamlessly from a nursing cushion to a tummy time trainer and beyond. It adapts to meet the changing needs of your little one, making it a versatile and indispensable parenting accessory.

"Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to sweet dreams with the COCOREVE Baby Body Pillow," added Min Kim.

Zum Pressefach von MOTHER-K CO., LTD

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