Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Pressefach von BrandLine Group Sp. z o.o

10.2 E20
BrandLine Group Sp. z o.o
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Adama Kreglewskiego 1
61-248 Poznan
Parenting is a real challenge and a fantastic adventure at the same time. Our products make it even more exciting and joyful – for both children and parents. At Lionelo we create facilities which meet the highest standards of safety and comfort. We want to be present on different levels and stages of building the parent-child relationship. That is why the range of our products is so thoughtfully designed that they can take part in the parenting adventure from the very first days of a toddler’s life. We appreciate the value of shared moments. For this reason, we make sure that Lionelo products are models of quality and functionality, and that their use leaves a pleasant impression. This is facilitated by a gentle, modern design and ingenious solutions, as well as the assurance that you can count on us under all circumstances. Lionelo products are covered by 24-month guarantee. This means that we are not only confident in their quality, but also support customers at every stage of use. Openness, readiness to help and commitment help us build an invaluable sense of connection and trust with parents. Thanks to the favourable relation between quality and price of Lionelo products, the brand is becoming increasingly popular in Poland and Europe. We can see this trend not only from the constantly increasing number of buyers of our products, but also from the number of people buying other products with our brand. Join the group of customers whom we support in their parenting challenges. Lionelo will make sure that this adventure is a real pleasure for you!
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