Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Pressefach von Stor, S.L.

11.2 G10
Stor, S.L.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Paseo General Martínez Campos 53
28010 Madrid
STOR is a Spanish company created in 1969 for the purpose of designing, manufacturing, and distributing household wares. Since the 80's a large part of our catalog is dedicated to products decorated with world-famous characters and manufactured under license. Since then, we have had an international projection that has given us presence in more than 80 countries in the 5 continents. In 15 fairs all around de World. Designing products, decorate it with licensed or exclusive graphics, present it with the most suitable packaging. We offer a wide range of proprietary patented products. One of the basis of our Company is the quality and the security of the items. This is being certified by laboratories such as TÜV Rheinland, SGS or Bureau Veritas. We are specialists in materializing ideas, from the initial conception to putting the product in the market. In 2019 born our QUOKKA KIDS hydration range: This dream, which started out as the dream of a Madrid company, It is a dream come true and now can be yours. Let’s dream together!
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