Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Massbricks is jumbo building blocks for kids. It is creatively build a life-size house, castle, lemonade stand, farmer’s stand, fortress, table/chair, bookshelf, storage bin, royal throne, etc. Large blocks possibilities are endless. Ideas are included on the packaging. Let their imagination run wild!

A toy set that fully engages the arms, hands, and individual fingers to help improve gross and fine motor skills in toddlers and preschoolers. Learn while they play!

Bright, colorful life-sized blocks are made of premium durable, non-recycled polypropylene to ensure durability and bright colors. Lightweight with curved edges making these blocks perfectly safe for little hands to grasp and grip, making this the ultimate educational construction toy.

A toy set includes wheels. This wheel can be connected to any location of the bricks. With this new connecting system, it makes children are more capable of constructing projects with wheels.

Zum Pressefach von T.K. Chin Company Ltd.

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