Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Wobble Board

Wobble Balance Board Kid is a toy that is fun for kids and adults alike. Do a wide range of exercises on the kids balance board to enhance your exercise regimen. Use it in yoga to stretch your back, train your sense of balance, or as a seat. It’s fun while staying fit! Better yet: Use it together with your kids. Make lasting memories and connections with your child while playing on this rocker board!  

The Wobble Board creates hours of open-ended play, inspires endless possibilities of creativity and imagination - a slide, swing, seesaw, shop, tunnel, cabin, boat, rocker, table, balancing board, stepping stone, racetrack, lounge chair, puppet, teeter popper, soccer goal/bridge, football goal, fitness equipment, and more. Let your child discover a whole new world of free play!

Non wooden balance boards stimulate the vestibular system and develop children to improve their gross motor skills. Playing with these boards support the muscles for correct posture, develop a sense of balance and flexibility, and help kids become aware of their bodily movements. Kinesthetic Montessori learners would adore the Wobble Balance Board. Effortless learning! The is the perfect learning toy for preschool toddlers, even the whole family!

This board is not like any other wobble balance board on the market. It is one of its kind. It does not chip or splinter while saving our trees! Made from the highest quality, BPA-free, non-recycled plastic pattern, it is super sturdy and non-slip; Durably safe for little ones. It exceeds ASTM Safety Standards CE Certified for maximum child safety. Free from formaldehyde and lead. Made to last for many years of adventure. To be used both indoors and outdoors.

Zum Pressefach von T.K. Chin Company Ltd.

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