Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Unleash the Spirit of Adventure with the iCandy Peach 7 All-Terrain

iCandy, a trailblazer in parenting innovation, proudly introduces the Peach 7 All-Terrain, a revolutionary pushchair that redefines the expectations of adventurous parents who crave a harmonious blend of urban style and off-road functionality.

Engineered to conquer every landscape, the iCandy Peach 7 All-Terrain is a visual masterpiece, meticulously designed with modern performance fabrics and outdoor leisure trends in mind. Taking inspiration from utility street fashion, the durable, water-repellent yet breathable fabrics are chosen for their ability to provide protection from the elements on the outside while ensuring comfort for baby on the inside. Its head-turning design, adorned with sleek sporting touches, ensures that you will stand out from the ordinary.

Zum Pressefach von iCandy World Limited

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