Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Get to know Nosiboo Zigg!

Zigg is here to help your child have a great night's sleep! If your little one has trouble sleeping at night or is afraid of the dark, Zigg will have a gentle look at them. All you have to do is choose your preferred time interval at the bottom and let Zigg flood the room with its lovely, gentle, warm light. As the light fades into a reddish colour imitating the soothing sunset, Zigg tucks its head under its wing, and before you know it, the children will be fast asleep. And that means more sleep time for you too!

When the morning comes and the sun enlightens the room, Zigg will turn off, helping the child adapt to the daily rhythm.

Zigg is portable, so you can place it wherever you want. It looks great both standing at the night table and hanging above the child's bed as well.

Made from high-quality materials and built to last, Zigg will serve you for years to come. The battery lasts for a whole month without needing to be charged. Its pleasant design makes it perfect for newborns, children and even their parents.

Apart from its functionality, its aesthetically pleasing look, available in 5 colours, makes is suitable as an interior item as well. Nosiboo Zigg is made in the EU and complies with European safety regulations. The Nosiboo brand is synonymous with quality, their reputation is well established in the market.

Nosiboo Zigg will be available on the market in Q4 2024.

Zum Pressefach von Attract Kft.

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