Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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New colours in the Nosiboo product portfolio

The Nosiboo Pro colour palette is growing! Our talented development team is always on the lookout for the latest trends, and we are delighted to introduce the pastel versions of our famous, best-selling electric nasal aspirator. Grey and sage are going to become your child’s best friend! They're not just a great help for your little one when their nose is stuffy, but will also give your home a stylish, aesthetically pleasing look.

Nosiboo Pro electric nasal aspirator is an award-winning medical device with child-friendly design and adjustable suction power, ensuring effective, quick nose cleaning and adapting to the baby’s needs perfectly.

The cute shape of Nosiboo Pro is excellent for distracting the child's attention during suction. Reach for this premium-quality nasal aspirator and say goodbye to stuffy nose! Everything for the baby's and the parents’ comfort.

Main features

*        safe medical device
*        quick and efficient
*        child-friendly design
*        easy to clean
*        full control over suction power
*        patented Colibri head
*        award winner
*        BPA-free
*        premium quality
*        designed and manufactured in Europe

Zum Pressefach von Attract Kft.

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