Köln: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Presseinformationen der Aussteller

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Establishing collaboration with health professionals

Education has always been important for Nosiboo. We recognized a need to spread knowledge about the importance of nasal hygiene in babies, as this topic is often neglected.

After years of addressing parents with advice on effective nasal cleaning and helping to prevent the consequences of a stuffy nose, we decided to broaden our scope of activities and reach medical professionals as well.

According to our research, midwives are often the most important source of information for parents regarding health issues of their children.

Since 2021 we’ve been running programs for midwives focused on education and sampling, to make them familiar with the topic of nasal hygiene and introduce them to the Nosiboo brand.

We started by organizing an online training for German midwives together with the German Midwives Association. Our teaching materials were placed on their official educational platform, used actively by over 6500 members of the association.

In 2023 and 2024 we took part in the Midwifery Days organized by the National College of Midwives of France by becoming one of the sponsors of the event and delivering samples to the +500 attendees.
This year we released a course for Polish midwives during which 1800 of them completed our training about the importance of nasal hygiene and got to know the Nosiboo brand.

We will continue working closely with health professionals to shed light on the possible consequences of a blocked nose, encouraging them to share the knowledge with parents. Nosiboo’s core value is caring for the well-being of the whole family, and we would like to show that choosing the right nasal aspirator and using the correct nose cleaning technique can make a family’s life way easier. Clean nose = happy baby = happy family!

Zum Pressefach von Attract Kft.

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